Simple and Plain yoga practice| Yoga with Rita – Fulcrum Blu

Move with focus to your breath – in-breath and you open up, out-breath, and you close inward in forward bends plus twists. It’s simple and accessible yoga.
00:38 Half sun salutations
02:21 Moving toward full salutation – with low lunge
03:50 Moving toward full salutation – with downward dog & locust
10:30 Prasarita Padottansana variation – wide stance with downward dog upper body form
11:14 Parvitta Prasarita Padottanasana – wide stance with twist
13:11 Virabhadrasana 2 to parsvakonsana
15:08 Utkatasana – chair pose- to squat
15:38 Seated twist – ardha matsyendrasana
18:24 Bridge – Setubhanda Sarvangasana – bridge with robot arms
19:20 Supine lumbar strengthener
20:08 Savasana

Rita’s website:
Anusara yoga website:

#fulcrumblu #yogapractice #simpleyogaexercise